Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Amnio? Hell NO! A TYPO??

We went to see Dr. Tabors yesterday for our amniocentesis. After waiting a good 2 1/2 hours we finally got into the room for our super high tech sonogram. They told us that both my first trimester pre-screens came back positive (the neck measured at 13mm, and it should've been 2mm, and my quad blood tests were also positive) and that there was over a 50% chance of Downs. So when it was time to get the new measurements for a second trimester screen, a nice little discovery was made. The new neck measurement was 4mm...someone had made a typo on my previous screen. OMG!!!!!!!! After going back & forth about what our next step should be, Dr. T decided that he was going to re-screen my blood and then take it from there. So, NO AMNIO yesterday!!! :):):) YAY!

We go see Dr. Wiley on Monday at 3:30 and I know they will be trying to sway us into finding out what the sex of the baby is...but we're going to try to hold out. Cross your fingers for a BOY...Lord knows I would be a nervous wreck with a GIRL...

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