Monday, November 30, 2009

30 things that i'm thankful for

...yea i should have done one each day in november instead of waiting until the last day of the month, but that seems to be my personal theme of the semester---waiting until the last minute!

1. jesse... so, so good to me.
2. jayden... funniest kid i know.
3. jagger... gave me extra motivation to work harder in school.
4. my parents... they're wonderful & supportive & always there when i need them.
5. macy... she's such a great role model for jay & i'm excited to see her interact with jag.
6. my job... just glad i have one!! and that they're always willing to work with my school schedule.
7. my in-laws... they've had such a rough year, but they are constantly putting others before themselves.
*special thanks to the father-in-law for laying our beautiful hardwood floors :)
8. CEREAL & Organic milk... Yummy!!! Craving #1.
9. Dairy Queen's dipped cone... Delicious!!! Craving #2.
10. Tylenol... the 3rd trimester back pain has been intense.
11. my new haircut & color... i feel like a new woman!
12. blogs... they give me good ideas for crafts, decorating my house, and advice on families.
13. our home... its colorful, cozy, and just enough for our family.
14. our new bed... going from queen to king was amazing...especially with a growing belly.
15. my education... i'm so close to having the degree in my hand. finally.
16. sweet tea... giving up cokes sucked & sometimes you just can't have another glass of water.
17. cute maternity clothes... i've never worn leggings as pants until now. they're heaven!
18. paint... everything looks better painted! and if you pick a color & then don't like it...pick another. :)
19. sewing machines... i was scared to try but sewing is one of the most relaxing things to do.
20. plastic surgery... even though i haven't had any, its something i like to think about every time i look in the mirror and don't like what i see.
21. good movies... i love watching something over & over again. steel magnolias & knocked up.
22. good tv shows... criminal minds, ncis, and madmen are my top 3 :)
23. resale shops... i love jag's bassinet. its original looking and not in everyone else's house.
24. iphones...even though i said i would never get one, giving up my blackberry for the iphone was the best thing ever. i love it!!
25. fans... i don't know what i would do if i was 9 months pregnant in july/august heat.
26. pedicures... always nice to have someone else rub your feet.
27. make up... always feel better with my eyes done up.
28. nick jr... for being educational & fun to watch. i don't mind having the tv on if max&ruby is playing.
29. paul mitchell skinny serum... makes my hair smell amazing & cuts my drying time in half.
30. my life... being here & having people to love & having people here who love me.

***tomorrow we go in for week 37 check. at 36 i was dialated to a 1, so lets see if we've made any progress. my semester will be over with on saturday, yay!!!***

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