Wednesday, August 5, 2009


first, happy birthday nana! lunch was great and i'm loving the cake at my desk.

second, let's think of ways that i can make money, take care of my kids/husband/house, and continue my school schedule without having to lose my mind completely.

here are some ideas we covered today. each has pros & cons but that will be a different post. if you have more ideas then feel free to share!!

-watch a kid or two at my home
-work @ the aisd daycare (possibly split a ft position with mom)
-subsitute teach
-make a craft (jewelry/notepads/clipboards/gift wraps.....) and then sell at schools & other random spots.
-work @ texas wesleyan before/after classes.
-work @ alcon (this is the one jess is all for. this is also the one where i will make the most money...)
-be an interior painter (would probably need mom to be in on this idea!) of these has to be the answer. classes start august 24th and the baby is due december 20th, so his allows me only a couple of months to test out my ideas & make something happen. whatever i decide to do it will happen when classes start again after christmas break, around january 18th or 25th... i will take all the advice/ideas you can send my way.



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